November 2022 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Gate to Nineteen Lagoons open
The Lake Augusta Rd from the boom gate through to Lake Ada was opened yesterday 29th Nov 2022. Gates providing access to Talinah, Double Lagoon and Pillans tracks remain closed as conditions were deemed unsuitable for opening. These tracks will be inspected again on (or around) 5th December 2022. Visitors are asked to proceed with...

Weekend fishing competitions a success
The weekend just gone saw anglers from around the country descend on Lake Burbury and Bronte Lagoon for successful fishing competitions organised by the Queenstown and New Norfolk Angling Clubs respectively. 173 entrants enjoyed favourable conditions on the West Coast at Lake Burbury, with 561 fish weighed in at the annual competition run by the Queenstown...

Another tagged trout winner, this time at Lake Rosebery!
Liam McKenna of Devonport and his mate Jarvis had a fishing trip down to Lake Rosebery they will not forget for a while. Arriving down at the water from the north west coast at around 10am on Saturday 19th of November, they spent the day casting and retrieving soft plastics from the shore of the...

Gunns Marsh Road status update
Hydro Tasmania advise work is continuing on the flood damage restoration works on Gunns Marsh Road but in the meantime, they have been able to restore public access to the Cowpaddock day use parking area, located just before the causeway over Cowpaddock Creek, from Tuesday November 15. A boom gate has been installed on the...

Road closure update
The Parks and Wildlife Service is pleased to announce that the Lake Augusta Rd will be reopened 9am Thursday 17 November, permitting access through the Central Plateau Conservation Area to Lake Augusta. A temporary ‘army’ bridge has been installed. It is one lane only and we ask that all users of the area comply with...