February 2024 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Clean Up Australia Day
Inland Fisheries staff tidied up angler access sites on the Tyenna River on Monday as part of Corporate Clean Up Australia Day. Most sites on this popular river had been left clean by anglers although at some locations close to the road litter had been dropped from vehicles.

Redfin perch in the Jordan River – baseline biological research
Sarah Burnes, a 3rd year University of Tasmania Research Project student, and Drs Peter Coulson (IMAS Senior Technical Officer) and Alyssa Marshell (IMAS Research Fellow) are working with Jonah Yick from the Tasmanian Inland Fisheries Service to better understand the life cycle of the invasive Redfin perch in the Jordan River. Redfin perch (Perca fluviatilis)...

Lake Mackenzie Road closed for upgrade works
From 26th February, Hydro Tasmania will be undertaking important upgrade works on Lake Mackenzie Road at Gun Lagoon Creek to improve access and safety. The project involves replacing a culvert on Lake Mackenzie Road at Gun Lagoon Creek with a bridge to ensure safe conditions when travelling on the road. Access to Lake Mackenzie will...
Redfin perch found in Huon Valley. We need your help!
On 12 March 2023, a Redfin perch (Perca fluviatilis) was caught by an angler in Mountain River, in the Huon Valley. It was reported to and confirmed by the IFS. Redfin perch have not been found in this river, or in the Huon Valley before. Broad surveys have now been done including farm dams, rivers,...

Willow Warriors working bee
Calling all current and new Willow Warriors, We will be back at out soon treating willows along the Tyenna River, this time starting at the weir near Mt Field National Park. We will meet on Friday 8th of March at 09.30 on Weir Road, near the Tyenna River (find a safe place to pull off...