October 2017 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Angler Postal Survey 2016-17 results
The Angler Postal Survey (APS) is an annual survey of the state's licenced anglers. The survey has been running continuously since 1986-87 angling season. Each year the IFS sends out 5,000 questionnaires to randomly selected anglers from our licence database. We aim to get back 1,000 of these questionnaires detailing where an angler has fished...

Eastern access to Craigbourne Dam open
The eastern access to Craigbourne Dam via Link Road and Craigbourne Road is open to the public. This access is a public road through private property. Please shut the gate behind you and observe the no fires and no camping advice. Recently stocked rainbow trout are still being caught by persistent anglers. For more information...

West Coast Rivers: Now is the time!
The whitebait is currently running very thick on the west coast of the state. To trout fishermen, this means one thing….. Sea Runners! We have had numerous reports of big schools of whitebait migrating upstream in the Arthur, Henty, Little Henty and Pieman rivers. These huge schools of bait are being hunted by sea run...

Woods Lake Road maintenance continues
As part of a long term program to improve Woods Lake Road the World Fly Fishing Championship (WFFC) organising committee, IFS and Hydro Tasmania are investing in maintenance and upgrades. Over coming weeks additional gravel will be added to key sections of the road and new culverts will be installed to improve drainage. The gravel...

The gate to Lake Augusta and the 19 Lagoons is open
Last week the Parks and Wildlife Service opened the gate to Lake Augusta and the 19 Lagoon. Angling information for this area is available in the Western Lakes Anglers Access Brochure.