Sixteen tagged brown trout have been released into waters around Tasmania for the 2024–25 season. Each tag is worth $5,000* to the angler that returns the fish to the Inland Fisheries Service in accordance with the Terms and Conditions* of the Promotion.
The tags are yellow and have unique identifying details.
Any tagged fish caught from the previous IFS Tagged Trout Promotions are not eligible.
Lakes and number of tagged trout for 2024–25:
Lake name | Number of tagged trout released (5 October 2024) | Number of tagged trout yet to be caught |
Arthurs Lake | 2 | 2 |
Bradys Lake | 2 | 2 |
Craigbourne Lake | 1 | 0 |
Huntsman Lake | 2 | 1 |
Lake Leake | 1 | 0 |
Lake Mackintosh | 2 | 2 |
Lake Rowallan | 2 | 2 |
Lake Sorell | 2 | 2 |
yingina / Great Lake | 2 | 2 |
Totals | 16 | 13 |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
When does this years Promotion start?
5 October 2024.
How long will it go for?
The new Tasmanian Tagged Trout Promotion will operate during the 2024–25, 2025–26 and 2026–27 angling seasons. The promotion will commence on 5 October 2024 and conclude on 31 July 2027.
Who can enter?
Entry is open to holders of a current freshwater angling licence or persons aged under 14 who have the permission of their parent or guardian.
How many fish have been tagged?
A total of 16 fish have been tagged for the 2024–25 season.
Are any more tagged fish going to be released?
Yes, during the 2025-26 and 2026-27 seasons additional fish will be released into a range of waters around the state. Locations will depend on environmental conditions, the need to promote individual waters and regions and how many tagged fish have been captured previously during the Promotion.
What species are tagged?
Brown trout.
How much is each tagged fish worth?
What if I catch a tagged fish outside of the official dates?
Fish caught before the start or after the finish of the promotion dates will not be eligible to win a prize.
What fishing methods can I use to catch a fish?
All fish captures must be compliant with the Inland Fisheries Act 1995 and subordinate legislation (the rules and regulations) relevant to the specific recreational freshwater fishery. Any captures not compliant will not be eligible to win a prize.
Note: anglers will need to sign a statutory declaration confirming they caught the fish in line with the Terms and Conditions.
How does the tagging work?
All trout are caught by the IFS, tagged and released into the designated promotion waters.
What do the tags look like?
The tags are yellow and have unique identifying details.
Where can I catch the tagged fish?
Lake Mackintosh, Lake Rowallan, Huntsman Lake, Lake Leake, yingina / Great Lake, Bradys Lake, Arthurs Lake, Lake Sorell and Craigbourne Lake.
How many tagged fish have been released into each water and how many are still remaining?
How do the prizes work?
To win one of the prizes, you'll need to catch a fish with the correct tag and report the details of your catch, with photo evidence, to the Inland Fisheries Service (see ‘how do I claim a prize?’ below). Each correct tag will win a $5,000 prize.
How do I claim a prize?
Fish caught in the Promotion must be kept with tag intact for verification. Contact the Inland Fisheries Service on 1300 463 474 between 9 am and 5 pm Monday to Friday, or email infish@ifs.tas.gov.au, and provide your name, contact details, tag number, waterway, location the fish was caught and overall length.
Do I have to keep my fish to claim a prize?
Yes. Fish caught in the Promotion must be kept with tag intact for verification.
Who can claim a prize?
The holder of a current freshwater angling licence or entrants aged under 14 who have the permission of their parent or guardian. Prizes will only be awarded for fish caught using a rod and line and in compliance with current Tasmanian fishing regulations.
Can you win more than once?
Contact Information
For information about the IFS or tagged trout promotion, phone: 1300 463 474
If I win can I stay anonymous?
Winners agree to their details and image(s) being published by the IFS for non-commercial promotion and/or publicity purposes.
What happens if I catch a tagged trout from a previous tagged trout promotion?
Unfortunately, nothing. They are not eligible a prize.
How will I know the difference between the tags for this season (2024–25) and a tag from previous promotions?
- 2024–25 tags for the current promotion are yellow
- 2022–23 tags were orange.
- 2021–22 tags were orange.
- 2020-21 tags were blue.
If you catch a tagged fish and are unsure it is from the current promotion, contact the Inland Fisheries Service on 1300 463 474 between 9 am and 5 pm Monday to Friday, or email infish@ifs.tas.gov.au, and provide your name, contact details, tag number, waterway, location the fish was caught and overall length.