August 2018 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Man fined for assisting whitebait poacher
A Smithton man was recently found guilty at the Burnie Magistrate’s Court of three charges of inducing another person to commit an offence under the Inland Fisheries Act 1995. Peter Salter was charged by Fisheries Officers with assisting Brodie Popowski (convicted on 10 May 2018) illegally taking whitebait at the Montagu River during October 2017....
This weekend looks a bit rough like the last
This coming weekend looks a bit like the last with some cold blustery weather conditions forecast. This will not stop the fish from biting but we ask anglers to take care. Quite a few anglers decided to take advantage of the magnificent weather last Saturday, before we rapidly returned to winter conditions on Sunday. Our...

Largest ever fine for poaching giant freshwater crayfish
On Monday 20 August 2018, the Magistrates Court convicted a northwest man of offences relating to giant freshwater crayfish. Magistrate McKee heard Mr Bakes illegally hunted, caught and ate the highly protected and threatened species from November 2013 to November 2017. This is most serious case about giant freshwater crayfish ever dealt with by the...

Know the bag and size limits
Our inland fisheries are amongst the best trout fisheries available in the world. Over the first couple of weeks of this season, we have become aware that some anglers are not following size and bag limits. Of particular concern is taking undersized fish exceeding bag limit, and exceeding the number of fish permitted over 500 mm....

Wild brown trout spawning run
We have been working hard over the winter months managing and protecting the brown trout while on their spawning migration. On the Central Highlands we have a number of traps used to catch trout as they move up stream to spawn. The traps enable us to collect ova and wild adult fish we then use...