January 2017 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Fishing the long weekend
Anglers enjoyed some fantastic fishing over Australia Day long weekend at our inland waters. The weather conditions were mixed, with some fantastic days and some that were a little windy. Our Officers were on patrol and inspected 320 anglers. There were some exceptional catches of both brown and rainbow trout. Some observations from different waters...

Meadowbank Lake stocking
The Australia Day holiday is looming and school holidays drawing to an end. If you are keen to catch a fish, it may pay to venture to Meadowbank Lake. On Tuesday Meadowbank Lake was stocked with some catchable sized Atlantic salmon. 1 200 Atlantic salmon of around ¾ kg were released into the lake. Thanks...

Lake Echo worth a visit
Recent windy weather has had anglers looking for options that offer shelter and clear water. The prevailing winds have been westerly and south westerly. Many shallow lakes and lagoons are stirred up by strong wind. This dirty water can result in less fish. And another thing to think about lately, when choosing where to fish,...

IFS at the Bronte Fly Fishing School
Yesterday IFS team members, Chris Boon and Paul Middleton, visited the Bronte Fly Fishing School at Bronte Lagoon. They spoke about a range of topics including: the carp management program anglers access fishery performance assessments fishery compliance freshwater crayfish whitebait trout fishing in general. The presentations were well received with some interesting questions asked by...

Pillans track open
We have been notified by PWS that the boom gate allowing 4WD vehicle access on the track to lakes Pillans and Field has been opened. Take care as the track is rough. Please do not drive around barriers protecting sensitive areas recovering from past damage. Some of these barriers have been illegally moved but it...