August 2015 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Angler Access to the Huon River just got better
Last week Inland Fisheries staff completed maintenance work on Huon River Anglers Access infrastructure. Work included brush cutting, upgrading electric fence insulators and the installation of new signs. This work coincides with the publishing of the latest edition of the Huon River Anglers Access brochure which includes a better map that more clearly shows all...

More salmon for Craigbourne Dam and Brushy Lagoon
Today (25 August 2015) IFS stocked Craigbourne Dam and Brushy Lagoon with some big Atlantic salmon. The fish kindly donated by Petuna Aquaculture from their Cressy fish farm averaged 4 kg. Craigbourne has received 100 and Brushy Lagoon 200 of these fine fish. Anglers are reminded that both of these waters are open till three...

Trout fishing is a pastime that should be enjoyed by everyone
For those who fish regularly we all know the thrill of landing a trout. The Inland Fisheries Service seeks to encourage a greater take-up of this time honoured sport, especially for those who may not have the opportunity to do so, by providing exemption permits to a range of organisations across the state. Disability, aged...

Report on the electrofishing surveys on the state's river fisheries 2013 to 2015
Following on from reports by anglers, guides and fish farm workers the IFS investigated the state of Tasmania's river fisheries using electrofishing survey during early in 2013. This survey was expanded to include more rivers in 2014 and followed up with a repeat survey in early 2015. A report has been generated on these surveys...

Survey for estuary perch part of honours study
During the second week of August 2015, IFS fisheries officer Paul Middleton and Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) Honours student Bryan Van Wyk surveyed the estuary perch population at Arthur River. Estuary perch (Percalates colonorum) is a native predatory fish closely related to Australian bass (Percalates novemaculeata). Estuary perch have a reputation on...