September 2016 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Penstock Lagoon boat ramp is complete
The upgrade to the Penstock Lagoon boat ramp is finished. Marine and Safety Tasmania (MAST) installed the flexmat this week. The project is the result of a successful Recreational Boating Fund application we made upgrade the ramp and install a landing at one of the state’s premier trout fisheries. Many thanks to Jim Caulfield from...

Inland Fisheries Service presents at national conference
Chris Bowen, Jonah Yick, Chris Boon, and Raihan Mahmud from the Carp Management Program presented work at the 2016 Australian Society for Fish Biology and Oceania Chondrichthyan Society conference which was held from the 4th – 8th of September at Wrest Point. There were 200 presentations and our carp team presented during the “Invasive species:...

Water to be released from Lake Crescent
About 25 millimetres of rain fell at Interlaken overnight raising the levels of lakes Crescent and Sorell. Given the lake levels, a release of water from Lake Crescent into the Clyde River is to be made to prevent an uncontrolled spill of Lake Sorell. If Lake Sorell spilled it could put in danger the work...

Road closures update - Forestry Tasmania
Forestry Tasmania has advised the following road updates. Lake Mackenzie Road is open to all traffic - repairs to are now complete Mersey Forest Road, used to access Lake Parangana, Lake Rowallan, the upper Mersey River and the Walls of Jerusalem National Park, is closed. Repairs to the Mersey Forest Road will start in October...

Caught and convicted – illegal whitebait fishing
On Monday August 8, Peter Thomas Odegaard of Wynyard appeared in the Burnie Magistrates Court on whitebait charges. Mr. Odegaard pleaded guilty and was convicted of taking and possessing whitebait without a valid whitebait licence. Fisheries Officers and Tasmania Police caught Mr. Odegaard at the Inglis River on the 20th of October 2015, where he...