The Brown Trout Fishing Season Opens in ! Get Your Licence

April 2014 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

IFS' Neil Morrow releasing a stocked salmon into Lake Kara August 2013.
April 3, 2014

Rubbish a concern for the emerging family fishery at Lake Kara

During a routine check of access facilities, IFS staff recently removed five garbage bags of rubbish from numerous campsites around Lake Kara. Items included large amounts of nappies and human faecal matter as well as fishing line and bait packaging. The amount of rubbish left behind indicates this behaviour is not limited to just a...

IFS' Chris Bowen shows off a healthy brown trout caght at Lake Crescent during the recent survey for juvenile carp.
April 1, 2014

Big trout caught in Lake Crescent survey

The recent juvenile carp surveys conducted at Lake Crescent resulted in large, well-conditioned brown and rainbow trout being caught. Brown and rainbow trout up to 10 and 6 pound were caught along the marsh edges in small fyke nets. These trout were in top condition and well within the range of both land-based and boat...

Surveys show no carp spawning occured during the summer at Lake Crescent or Lake Sorell.
April 1, 2014

Juvenile carp surveys in lakes' Crescent and Sorell

The annual juvenile carp surveys were undertaken over the past few weeks in Lake Crescent and Lake Sorell. These surveys are to determine whether any new recruitment had occurred over the past season, and as a result targets small juvenile carp. Small meshed fyke nets and backpack electrofishers were the two techniques used through-out the...