Juvenile carp surveys in lakes' Crescent and Sorell

The annual juvenile carp surveys were undertaken over the past few weeks in Lake Crescent and Lake Sorell. These surveys are to determine whether any new recruitment had occurred over the past season, and as a result targets small juvenile carp. Small meshed fyke nets and backpack electrofishers were the two techniques used through-out the survey. The fyke nets were set in range of locations from shallow marsh areas to rocky shores to target habitat where spawning may have occurred, as well as suitable habitat for small juvenile carp to use as cover and feeding grounds.
The survey in Lake Sorell was conducted over four nights and resulted in a few brown trout and eels caught, but thankfully no juvenile carp. In Lake Crescent the survey was conducted over three nights and no carp were detected, confirming that the lake is still carp free for the seventh year. A few eels, brown trout, and rainbow trout were caught throughout the survey.