April 2018 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Trout Weekend 2018!
Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 May 2018. 10 am until 3pm daily. Inland Fisheries Service Liawenee field Station, yingina/Great Lake Planning is well underway. Come with your family, enjoy displays, demonstrations, the ever-popular junior angling pond, and of course see hundreds of wild brown trout on their annual spawning migration. And, don’t forget to get...

2018 Golden galaxias survey in Lakes Sorell and Crescent
Between 19 and 21 March we conducted the annual golden galaxias (Galaxias auratus) survey. This is the 13th year in a row we have surveyed lakes Sorell and Crescent for this native fish. We used fine-mesh fyke nets set overnight. At three locations in each lake, we set four fyke nets. We recorded the number...

River Leven looking good for late season action.
Looking for a late season outing? A huge number of grasshoppers at Gunns Plains promises plenty of action for bait and fly fishers. A single grasshopper on light gear or a fly imitation will entice aggressive strikes. Good flows from recent rains and reports of larger than average trout this season should tempt you during...

Come and join Bug Blitz in New Norfolk this Sunday
The Derwent Catchment Project undertake land care work in the Derwent catchment. ThisSunday, 8 April,from 9am until 2pm they are running a free training day in how to identify water bugs. Come to Tynwald Park New Norfolk. (You don’t have to stay for the whole session). They will be teaching a nationally standardised way of...

The Easter fishing wrap up
The Easter Long weekend saw fantastic trout fishing around the State. Although the weather was not great at times, the fish were biting! Our Officers patrolled waters far and wide, from Lake Burbury to the South Esk River. Recent rainfalls lifted river levels in the north and northwest. This improved the fishing. All methods of...