May 2014 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Fine mesh fyke nets set near suitable golden galaxias habitat.
May 7, 2014

The latest annual golden galaxias survey

The 2014 survey of the endemic golden galaxiid, Galaxias auratus was recently undertaken in Lakes Sorell and Crescent. This survey is undertaken annually as part of environmental monitoring requirements associated with the Lakes Sorell and Crescent Water Management Plan. Twelve small fine mesh fyke nets were set in each lake for one night with a...

Absent from photo: Shaun Finlayson, Gary France, Sally Bryant, Christine Mucha, Karen Richards.
May 7, 2014

Carp Management Program Workshop 2014

The Carp Management Program held its annual two day workshop 1 – 2 May to review the past years work and undertake planning for the coming year. Nick Rawlinson, a fisheries biologist and lecturer from the Australian Maritime College (AMC) was secured to provide an independent review of the whole workshop, and assist in the...

Once collected the eggs are safely incubating in the upwellers.
May 1, 2014

Annual spawning run commences at Liawenee

The 2014 spawning run has started at Liawenee Canal, Great Lake. Good autumn rainfalls and mild temperatures have combined to provide an encouraging start to the annual migration of brown trout. IFS hatchery staff stripped 300 female trout of 200,000 ova. The fertilised eggs have been carefully transported to the New Norfolk hatchery and laid...