St Clair Lagoon access

The Inland Fisheries Service (IFS) recently met with the management of Pumphouse Point at Lake St Clair. During this meeting, the access arrangements for anglers to St Clair Lagoon and the Derwent Basin of Lake St Clair were discussed and clarified.
The access arrangements for anglers to this area are detailed in the IFS St Clair Lagoon Fact Sheet - available on the IFS website or via the Infish app. These arrangements have been in place since the opening of Pumphouse Point in 2015.
We remind anglers that this area is within the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area and all usual National Parks regulations apply. Further to this we ask that anglers are respectful to the staff and guests at Pumphouse Point and remain within the access area shown on the St Clair Lagoon Fact Sheet.
St Clair Lagoon is renowned for its tailing fish during early season high waters, and reliable insect hatches throughout the warmer months. We are thankful for the relationship we have with Pumphouse Point and the Parks and Wildlife Service that ensures ongoing access for anglers.