Little Pine Lagoon boat ramp upgrade

The Little Pine Lagoon boat ramp upgrade is scheduled to commence on 11th April 2023 and be completed at the end of May 2023. The boat ramp will be closed to the public for this period.
An alternative launching site is available at Little Pine Lagoon Road approximately 500m to the north.
The water level in the lagoon will be drawn down to approximately -1.03 m from full supply level for the construction period. This level is within the agreed level between IFS and Hydro Tasmania.
To facilitate the work the drawdown will commence on 6th April 2023 which may impact anglers over Easter. This is regrettable but necessary to facilitate the upgrade before winter.
The project will deliver a single lane concrete boat ramp and multi-level timber jetty providing better access, safety and amenity for anglers.
A buoy line will be installed in Monpeelyata Canal as an additional safety feature.
Hydro Tasmania will endeavour to ensure there are not major fluctuations in the lake levels at Bronte Lagoon, Pine Tier Lagoon and the Bradys chain of lakes over the Easter period to accommodate any increase in angling effort at these waters.