Junior anglers hooked.
As part of national Gone Fishing Day over 420 kids went fishing at junior angler dams around Tasmania. The days events, coordinated by volunteers through local angling clubs and supported by Anglers Alliance Tasmania and the Inland Fisheries Service proved very popular. For some kids it was the first time they had cast a line but others were old hands and showed them how to do it. Lots of fish were caught and the weather was kind.
Many also took opportunity to enjoy trout fishing for the first time as no angling licence was required so they headed out with their mates to wet a line around the State.
Over 600 people had a fish and enjoyed the day at the Hydro Tasmania/ Cressy Trout Expo at Brumbys Creek. Two lucky anglers managed to catch a $100.00 tagged fish at that event. For more information on Trout Expo see here.