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Whitebait poacher convicted


On Friday 14th May 2021 Barry John McDermott appeared in the Devonport Magistrates Court charged with the illegal possession of whitebait.

The charges related to 7.86 Kilograms of whitebait seized by Fisheries Officers from a residence in Devonport whilst executing a search warrant in November 2019.

Mr McDermott was convicted and fined $1344, plus $85.86 Court Costs.

Illegal fishing is an ongoing problem with the whitebait fishery. Each year IFS officers actively target poachers to ensure the long term viability of the recreational whitebait fishery.

We strongly urge anyone that suspects illegal activity at our inland waters to report it to us. You can call 0438 338 530 or 1300 INFISH (1300 463 474). You can email us at

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