Brown trout spawning run in full flight on the Central Highlands

Minister responsible for Inland Fisheries Guy Barnett visited Liawenee to view the brown trout spawning run which is well underway across the Central Highlands.
There have been 11 483 trout trapped, counted and released through to spawn at Arthurs Lake. Fish up to 1.37kg have been measured at these traps.
On the River Derwent at Lake King William 5273 have been trapped. Most of these fish have been transferred to the Brady's Chain of lakes. Fish up to 990 grams have been measured at this trap.
At yingina / Great Lake 11 127 fish have been trapped. Fish up to 1.55kg have been measured. Fish have been transferred to small number of popular Assisted Fisheries with little or no natural recruitment as set out in the Tasmanian Inland Recreational Fishery Management Plan 2018-28. These include waters in the Nineteen Lagoons, Lake Leake, Curries River Reservoir, Four Springs Lake, Craigbourne Dam, Brushy Lagoon, Pet Reservoir, Blackmans Lagoon, Big Waterhouse Lake, Penstock Lagoon and few other waters. To keep up with latest fish transfers go to the stocking database.
More fish will be trapped and transferred in the coming weeks ready for the start of the trout season that commences on Saturday 7 August. From 1 July angling licences will be available from the IFS web site, Service Tasmania shops and tackle stores.