Native trees planted on the Tyenna River with the Derwent Catchment Project

With fantastic weather and a great crew the Willow Warriors planted 700 native rushes, shrubs and trees along a stretch of the Tyenna River replacing recently removed willows. The willows, removed by the landholders at the Westerway Raspberry Farm, had been restricting access to the river and impacting on fish habitat. As they grow, our native plantings will help to shade the river, stabilise the banks (as the willow roots break down) and improve river health.
There were both new faces and seasoned Willow Warriors at the working bee and the many hands made light work of a big job. Participants had a chance to give back to one of Tasmania’s premier trout-fishing rivers and the landholders that provide access to it.
If you are interested in joining the next Willow Warriors event or hearing more about our 10-year plan to eradicate willows from the Tyenna River get in touch with Magali from the Derwent Catchment Project (megali@derwentcatchment.or or 0424 277 226) or Neil from the Inland Fisheries Service (0438 279 421 or