Little Pine Lagoon turns it around

The signs from a fishery surveys suggest Little Pine Lagoon is well and truly on the up.
Over recent years, anglers fishing for brown trout at Little Pine Lagoon have experienced a daily catch rate well below the long-term average. The reasons for this are still unclear but survey results are starting to show a change.
Our survey of the trout population during April 2018, found fish of a wide range of sizes. The average weight for fish over 300 mm was 1 044 grams. Eighty five per cent of the catch was larger than 300 mm.
Our annual angler postal survey show the catch rate for the 2017-18 season was the highest recorded at 1.6 fish per day.
This sets a very positive scene for the coming season!
Daily catch rate of brown trout from Little Pine Lagoon, 2000 – 2018.