The Brown Trout Fishing Season Opens in ! Get Your Licence

Rileys Creek Reservoir

Region: South · Category: Minor


Min size: 300 mm Bag limit: 12 Method: All methods (bait, lures and flies) Season: 5/8/2023 - 28/4/2024

Latest stocking

Date Number Species Age Weight (g) Type Stocked from
27/09/2012 40000 Brook Trout Fry 1 Diploid FF#50 - Lonnavale (Snowy Range Aquaculture)
View stocking history...


A small water storage on primarily private land. Accessed by driving 500 metres south east of Geeveston on the Huon Hwy (A6) then turning south onto Kent St. driving a further 500 m to the dam wall on the southern side of the reservoir. Has a natural head of brown trout. All methods are permitted, boating not practical though a kayak or small inflatable could be used.