Anglers Access update

We’re still working our way around Angler Access sites to look at damage from the floods. Neil Morrow is out and about and had a better day on the rivers on Saturday. He inspected access infrastructure on the North Esk and saw no damage only debris. He also got to areas of the Macquarie River, between Brumbys Creek and Longford, where he’d not been able to look before. All major infrastructure, including stiles and footbridges, are in place, just a couple of signs missing so far and more debris.
We hope that repairs on the Meander River Anglers Access will start this week with the assistance of local contractors and if the weather allows. Once work finishes on the Meander we’ll move on to the Leven and Mersey rivers.
We’re trying to have most of the repairs to the Meander and Leven rivers Angler Access done, ready for the opening of the brown trout waters on 6 August, we’ll keep you updated with progress on this website.
Repairs along the Mersey River are not so easy. We’re doing as much as we can before the brown trout waters open but it is likely that some areas will be closed for a while because of bridge closures, debris, flood damaged banks and landowners making repairs to fencing and other farm infrastructure. These areas will be clearly signed, like the image with this story. Please stay safe, respect the landowners while they are making their repairs and obey the signs. Keep an eye on this website for updates.