Bruisers Lagoon

Region: Central · Category: Minor


2 fish combined with only 1 over 500mm

Min size: 400/500 mm Bag limit: 2 Method: Fly fishing only Season: 3/8/2024 - 27/4/2025

Latest stocking

Date Number Species Age Weight (g) Type Stocked from
11/07/2024 30 Brown Trout Adult 638 Diploid Sandbanks Creek, yingina/Great Lake
View stocking history...


This lagoon lies to the west of the road to Tods Corner approximately one kilometre from the Lake Hwy turnoff. Stocked with adult browns each year it offers good fly fishing, no other methods are permitted. There is a restricted bag limit of two fish here with minimum size of 400 mm with only one fish over 500 mm.

Recreational Fish Management

Bruisers Lagoon is managed as a Wild Trout Fishery. There is no natural recruitment therefore annual stocking by the Inland Fisheries Service of wild brown trout maintains populations.

Native Fish Management

Two native species, the Spotted galaxias (Galaxias truttaceus) and the Climbing galaxias (Galaxias brevipinnis) may be present in Bruisers Lagoon.