Lots of opportunities remain as brown trout season winds up.

On Sunday 30 April the brown trout season will close and the weather this weekend is looking good for fishing. Although a lot of waters will close there will be lots of places you can still go and catch a fish.
Designated rainbow trout waters remain open until 28 May. These included Dee Lagoon, Junction Lake, Lake Meston, Lake Rowallan, Lake Skinner. Lake Youd, Mersey River upstream of Lake Rowallan, River Leven above Loongana Road Bridge and the Weld Rivers both north and south.
There are also some spots that you can fish all year. These include the Huntsman Lake, Huon River downstream of the Huonville Bridge,Lake Barrington, Lake Burbury, Lake King William, Lake Pedder, Meadowbank Lake, Pioneer Lake, River Derwent downstream of the Bridgewater Bridge, River Leven downstream of Allisons Bridge at Golf Club Roadkanamaluka/River Tamar downstream of the South Esk (A7) North Esk (A8)and parts of yingina/Great Lake. Please check the angling code for rules and conditions.
The cooler months can provide some exciting fishing.