IFS rolls up its sleeves, slaps on the sunblock and gets to work for Clean Up Australia

Inland Fisheries Service staff participated in Clean Up Australia’s “Business Clean Up Day” on Tuesday 1st March. Two sites were targeted by IFS for clean ups – the River Derwent from Bridgewater to Gretna and Lakes Crescent and Sorell.
On the River Derwent two teams focussed on the popular angling and boat launching sites and removed two ute loads and a trailer load of rubbish that included mattresses, deer carcases, car tyres and televisions.
Due to the increasing popularity of Lake Crescent with anglers, the boat ramps and camping sites at Lake Crescent and Dago Point, Lake Sorell, were our focus. IFS Staff removed 6 bags of rubbish at these sites.
Overall it was pleasing that fishing related litter was minimal. However illegal household dumping, human waste and the dumping of animal carcasses was found too often. Dumping in close proximity of, and in some cases into the river, shows a distinct lack of regard for the impact on downstream water quality.
IFS would like to acknowledge the Derwent Valley Council for waiving tip fees for the rubbish deposited at the Peppermint Hill waste transfer facility.
We say thanks to all anglers who ‘Do the right thing’ and take your rubbish home.