Mersey River – anglers beware of river hazards

Mersey River Anglers Access Map of closed areas

Many access areas on the Mersey River are still closed due to flood damage. Repairs to farm fencing, roads, bridges and Angler Access infrastructure will take some months and in some cases possibly years. There is a lot of dangerous undercutting of river banks and log jams.

The photo with this story is of the Mersey River.  It shows the areas that are closed.  If you want to print it, you can also find this map with our Angler Access Brochures.  It’s called Mersey River Anglers Access Map of closed areas.

Repairs on the Meander, Lake, North Esk and Macquarie rivers are complete.  And so are the repairs on the River Leven.

The Huon River infrastructure was a little damaged in the recent floods.  There is some repairing to do.  Please keep your eye out for safety signage.

When you’re fishing this weekend (and all season) please observe closure signs and warning signs. Take care as many popular fishing spots have changed because of flooding.

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