Compliance activity on the northern Tasmania long weekend

IFS compliance officer Adam Scurrah assisting with a boat retrieval at Bronte Lagoon.

On the weekend of the 3rd to 5th of November IFS compliance team and Tasmania Police conducted patrols of the Central Plateau to coincide with the long weekend in northern Tasmania. Throughout the three days visits were made to Arthurs Lake, Penstock Lagoon, Woods Lake, Little Pine Lagoon, Pine Tier Lagoon, Bronte Lagoon, Bradys Lake, Lake Binney, the 19 Lagoons area, Brumbys Creek, Macquarie River and Four Springs Lake.

On the whole anglers were found to be complying with fisheries regulations with six offenses detected detected amongst the 117 anglers checked. Three cautions were issued for failure to wear PFDs whilst boating, two fines were issued for unattended set rods and one fine issued for trolling in Penstock Lagoon. The joint operation also detected police offenses and Parks and Wildlife offenses.

It seems that Arthurs Lake was fishing well with 33 anglers interviewed catching 88 fish meaning that the catch rate is high.

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