Annual native fish survey at Arthurs and Woods Lakes has been completed

Astacopsis franklinii trapped in Arthurs Lake

Last week, the Inland Fisheries Service conducted their annual native fish survey at Woods and Arthurs Lakes. These surveys are part of the IFS’s ongoing commitment to monitor native fish health. Two species of galaxias are present in these waters.

In Woods Lake, forty-eight Saddled galaxias were trapped overnight in 24 fine mesh fyke nets. These ranged from 48mm – 111mm. An eel and three small trout were also caught and measured during the survey.

At Arthurs Lake, 27 Saddled galaxias and 67 Arthurs paragalaxias were trapped. One small brown trout and three freshwater crayfish (Astacopsis franklinii) were also found in the fyke nets. These crayfish and both species of galaxias are endemic to Tasmania.

The numbers of galaxias found in both lakes are similar to previous years with a range of year classes present.

Saddled galaxias 

 Arthur's paragalaxias

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